Monday, May 31, 2010

Rugby in South Africa

Rugby helped bring South Africa together after their apartheid dissolved. During the World Cup the team worked together to defeat a greater enemy. On the team was a black south African, which gave everyone in South Africa to root for them. Nelson Mandela knew that he needed something to bring his country together. He promised that if they allowed a black man to compete with them, they would hold the World Cup in South Africa.

Rugby was originally viewed as just a white sport even though the black South Africans attended these events. When they did attend they were not rooting for their home team, but the opponent because they were beating the white men.

In the World Cup, South Africa, the underdogs, beat the favorites, the Australians. At this game all South Africans were rooting for their home team. Having a black rugby player gave them a reason to favor their team. They thought that it was now as much their team as white South Africans. This brought their country together.

School expels Pakistani Boy for Underage Marriage

A thirteen year old boy was expelled from his school after they found out the he was getting married to a sixteen year old girl. The legal age to be married is sixteen for girls and eighteen for boys. However, if they have both reached puberty and their families approve they can be married. The boy has taken his school to court claiming that he should be able to return to school. He has decided to get married because his father died and his mother sick and needs help caring for the house. He just wants to finish his education to become a doctor.

This is of global importance because if the boy can be legally married then his school should not get involved. Finishing his education may better his society because he may make medical advances during his career that could benefit the global community. I think that he has a legitamet reason to be married and if her truly loves her, which he claims he does, should be married.

Air Strike Kills senoir Taliban Leader

The US military lead an air attack on Sunday morning killing Haji Amir and his fighters. After a intelligence that he stopped in a mud hut in Afghanistan the air strike was ordered to take him out. It is said that he returned to Afghanistan in April to lead attacks against coalition and Afghan forces. Officials seized 30 kilograms of wet heroin during the search. Haji Amir is not a new target for the US. He has escaped from prison in June 2008.

This is of global importance because a Taliban leader has been taken out of power. The world is just a little safer from terrorist attacks now. This may also lead to counter-attacks, but I think that it is worth it because this sets other attacks back and gives us more time to find other leaders in this organization. It is also good that the heroin was seized that it does not flood Afghanistan and cause more issues.

Tropical Storm hits Central America

The first named storm for the Pacific hurricane season hit countries in Central America this weekend. At least 115 people have been killed. The tropical storm battered Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Guatemala was the hardest hit with 92 dead, 54 missing and 59 injured. Nearly 112,000 people have been evacuated from their homes due to flooding. As the Atlantic hurricane season begins on Tuesday it brings the constant worry of more devastation.

This is of global importance because it is a reminder that the hurricane season is coming and countries need to be prepared to deal with natural disasters. As a global community the Red Cross helps countries in need. This is only the start of what is going to come and countries throughout the world need to help each other when hit hard by natural disasters.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Response to Berlin Confrence

I think that my group, France did OK getting the land that we wanted. We did not get our first choice, but it turned out alright because we were able to rethink our ideas. At first we were shooting for the center of the continent because it had the most resources, but after that was taken we decided to grab land more towards the north. This was more what the French wanted because they were able to control it better because it was closer to their own border.

I think that Great Britain had the advantage because they were able to claim the most land and went second in the rotation. I think that Italy did the best with what they had to work with even though the got the desert.

The Berlin Conference greatly affected Africa because it broke up their land into separate colonies. The Africans were not even included in this conference about their land that was held overseas. The European Imperialism is still affecting Africa today because the Europeans just left and did not help them. They also caused tension between tribes in Africa that are still being fought over today.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Scramble for Africa

The European nations carving up Africa comes to mind when I think of this quote. The countries of Europe wanted to impose imperialism on Africa to have economic, political and religious gains. They did all of this for themselves without thinking of the short-term or long-term effects on this continent.

Monday, May 3, 2010

South African Folklore

The South African myth is about how chameleons are unlucky and not trustworthy. The chameleon was suppose to give a message to the people from God. But because the chameleon did not give the message people became mortal.

The myth teaches people about about nature using the chameleon. The chameleon could not be trusted because it ate the berries even though God told him to respect nature and not eat the berries. Because of the chameleon people on earth were punished. This myth is also entertaining because their is an animal and a storyline.