Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Response to Berlin Confrence

I think that my group, France did OK getting the land that we wanted. We did not get our first choice, but it turned out alright because we were able to rethink our ideas. At first we were shooting for the center of the continent because it had the most resources, but after that was taken we decided to grab land more towards the north. This was more what the French wanted because they were able to control it better because it was closer to their own border.

I think that Great Britain had the advantage because they were able to claim the most land and went second in the rotation. I think that Italy did the best with what they had to work with even though the got the desert.

The Berlin Conference greatly affected Africa because it broke up their land into separate colonies. The Africans were not even included in this conference about their land that was held overseas. The European Imperialism is still affecting Africa today because the Europeans just left and did not help them. They also caused tension between tribes in Africa that are still being fought over today.

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