Monday, May 31, 2010

Air Strike Kills senoir Taliban Leader

The US military lead an air attack on Sunday morning killing Haji Amir and his fighters. After a intelligence that he stopped in a mud hut in Afghanistan the air strike was ordered to take him out. It is said that he returned to Afghanistan in April to lead attacks against coalition and Afghan forces. Officials seized 30 kilograms of wet heroin during the search. Haji Amir is not a new target for the US. He has escaped from prison in June 2008.

This is of global importance because a Taliban leader has been taken out of power. The world is just a little safer from terrorist attacks now. This may also lead to counter-attacks, but I think that it is worth it because this sets other attacks back and gives us more time to find other leaders in this organization. It is also good that the heroin was seized that it does not flood Afghanistan and cause more issues.

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