Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Two Aircrafts almost collide over San Francisco

On Saturday a Boeing 777 came very close to hitting a single engine aircraft. They came so close the collision avoidance system had to kick in. No one was hurt in this incident but the federal government is still mounting an investigation. The pilots in the 777 said that they could see the belly of the other plane just 20o feet away from them.

If planes collide in mid-air many innocent people can be hurt. This is cause for the global community to be more careful with international and local flights. I think this is a warning to all planes that they need to be careful to where they are located in relation to other flying aircrafts.

Serbian parliament apologizes for Srebrenica massacre

The Serbian Parliament has finally official condemned the 1995 massacre of Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica. The resolution was determined by a 127 out of 250 people to issue an apology. More than 7,000 Muslims were massacred during this event. The Mothers of Srebrenica tried to sue the UN for allowing the massacre to occur. The Court of Appeal ruled that they could not sue the United Nations.

I think that it is great they the government finally admitted to what happened and has issued an apology. This is a step forward in the right direction. I don't think that it is right the women are trying to sue the United Nations. I think that if they should sue anyone it should be the Serbian government. The UN is not responsible for acts of violence but they are responsible to stop the violence once it occurs.

Internet is faster in South Korea

The internet was basically invented in the United States but it is faster and cheaper in South Korea. They have much more competition in the this market. In Korea 94% of all people are connected to a high-speed connection when only 65% of people in America are connected to broadband. The government in South Korea encourages the people to use the internet in their daily lives and for education. South Korea also had a plan to get internet to its people ten years ago and the US is just coming up with a plan.

I think that the United States needs to become more competitive in the internet industry. This will lead to faster cheaper internet. It seems that Korea is just better because they started their plan earlier. I think that this is what we will eventually have in our country.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Veil Response

I don't have a problem with woman wearing the veil. I think that it should be their choice whether they wear the veil or not. I don't think that they should be required to wear it in countries like Saudi Arabia. The woman should be able to decide for herself if she wants to express her religion like that. I not only think that Muslim woman should have the option of not wearing it but I think that they should be able to wear clothing that expresses their religion everywhere. I do not think that it is right that countries like France are trying to ban the full covering. I think that Muslim woman should have the right to express their religion what ever way they want.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Not A Clash of Religions

I never really thought about why bin Laden hated America before I read this article. Agreeing with the journalist, I think that bin Laden hates America because we are secular. In the United States church and state are kept separate. The US does not have an official religion and people are free to believe in what ever they want. Bin Laden does not hate America because we have a Christian majority, but that we as a country are not religious enough. A letter to President Bush from the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not fault America for being Christian, but not being Christian enough.

The Koran says , "Fight the pagans all together as they fight you together," and "Slay the idolaters wherever you find them." Bin Laden quotes these phrases and they do not have to do deal with Christians but people that believe in more than one good or don't believe in any god. This quote is also talking about people that threaten the House of Islam. America is doing this by helping countries set up governments that have church and state separate. They believe that a country should have an official religion. America is fighting their beliefs. Based on the claims made in this article a believe that bin Laden may have been justified to fight back but I do not agree with him killing innocent people.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Holy Land Response

I think that the Jews have the right to the holy land. They have been there the longest out of the three monotheistic religions. The Jews have been sent into exile from Jerusalem three times and have always returned. When King David and King Soloman were in power they taxed the Jews and built the elebrate city of Jerusalem. Jewish ancestors paid to make the capital of their Holy Land beautiful. Jerusalem is also the only capital of a Jewish state with a Jewish majority. I think that the Jews deserve to control Jerusalem.