Sunday, March 14, 2010

Not A Clash of Religions

I never really thought about why bin Laden hated America before I read this article. Agreeing with the journalist, I think that bin Laden hates America because we are secular. In the United States church and state are kept separate. The US does not have an official religion and people are free to believe in what ever they want. Bin Laden does not hate America because we have a Christian majority, but that we as a country are not religious enough. A letter to President Bush from the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not fault America for being Christian, but not being Christian enough.

The Koran says , "Fight the pagans all together as they fight you together," and "Slay the idolaters wherever you find them." Bin Laden quotes these phrases and they do not have to do deal with Christians but people that believe in more than one good or don't believe in any god. This quote is also talking about people that threaten the House of Islam. America is doing this by helping countries set up governments that have church and state separate. They believe that a country should have an official religion. America is fighting their beliefs. Based on the claims made in this article a believe that bin Laden may have been justified to fight back but I do not agree with him killing innocent people.

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