Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Serbian parliament apologizes for Srebrenica massacre

The Serbian Parliament has finally official condemned the 1995 massacre of Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica. The resolution was determined by a 127 out of 250 people to issue an apology. More than 7,000 Muslims were massacred during this event. The Mothers of Srebrenica tried to sue the UN for allowing the massacre to occur. The Court of Appeal ruled that they could not sue the United Nations.

I think that it is great they the government finally admitted to what happened and has issued an apology. This is a step forward in the right direction. I don't think that it is right the women are trying to sue the United Nations. I think that if they should sue anyone it should be the Serbian government. The UN is not responsible for acts of violence but they are responsible to stop the violence once it occurs.

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