Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ghandi Video Response

How was Ghandi able to achieve independence?
Ghandi refuses to eat until he is released from jail. The prison will not allow him to die so he is released. Ghandi put his life aside for the good of all the people under British Imperialism. He allowed himself to be beaten and thrown in jail for the good of the people. He did not care what religion people were, just that god was being worshipped. This let everyone come together as one powerful group. Ghandi and his people would keep resisting until they got a response or the British changed the law. They cut ties from the British by making their own clothing and salt. Ghandi was able to get large groups of people to follow his lead. He drew worldwide attention. There was an American journalist with them that was reporting back to the United States what the British were doing to the Indians. His followers never hit the British back even after they were struck with wooden sticks. Ghandi inspired people to carry on even when he was in jail and could not lead them.
Do you beleive Ghandi ever enjoyed his accomplishment?
I don't think that he did because his beloved country was a united one and as soon as the nation became independent the different groups split again. I think that Ghandi was just trying to achieve peace in his homeland not necessarily just become independent. Everything that he acheived was undone by the British leaving.

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