Tuesday, February 16, 2010

If Ghandi lived on do you think that there would still be problems with Pakistan and India?

I think that if Ghandi had lived on he could have found a way to unite his people. He did it before and I think that he could do it again. I think that since he was able to bring the leaders of two conflicting countries that he could lead to a peaceful resolution. Ghandi was able to influence people in power. I think that over time he would have been able to work through the conflict. It would have taken time just like their independence from Britain but I think it could have happened. Ghandi was able to convince the people of his country to stop fighting and live in peace with each other through fasting. I don't think that this particular method would work to bring peace to other countries but he was a very smart man and I think that he could have thought of a plan.

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