Friday, February 5, 2010

Overcoming Social Injustice

I think that if there is an unjust law then one should try to amend it, but until then the law should be obeyed. This is the best solution because if you break the law you will most likely be thrown in jail. Once you are in jail you can not help to amend the law. Just trying to be content with the law is wrong because I believe that you should stand up for what you believe in. You will never be truly content if you don't believe in the new law. Nothing will change if everyone just sits on the sidelines and doesn't push for change.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the same thing. What is the point of trying your best to change something when you could risk throwing away all of your hard work with a rash and unlawful action? Yes it doesn't seem like the best or most time efficient choice but it is the right choice in trying to stay in the community without punishment while still fighting. It's more of the underground approach to the matter in a way. It's fighting under the table.
