Monday, February 8, 2010

Why do you think Ghandi was able to overcome imperialism and become independent?

Ghandi was able to tell people what he wanted them to do. He spoke to people about his ideas about disobeying the laws but not fighting the British. He was able to attract people to follow this philosophy. The people in a town square that he was speaking to, just allowed the British to shoot at them without retaliating. The British Official responsible for the massacre was only demoted a rank and was never really punished for his actions. Ghandi never gave up in what he believed in, even when he was getting beat by the British. Ghandi protested the pass cards by burning them and even when he was being struck he continued to put the passes in the fire. He didn't fight back to show injustice by the British Officials. They were not able to hold him in jail because he did not resist arrest. He did this to gain support from all the people in India. Ghandi united the high class Hindus, low class Hindus and Muslims to stand up against the British. He wanted everyone to put the class system aside and allow everyone to be equal. He would not have been able to overcome imperialism if he did not have the support from everyone in the country.

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