Friday, April 23, 2010

Do you think that the US can win the war in Afghanistan?

I think that it is impossible to win the war in Afghanistan because no one has ever won a war there and we are trying to combat too much. The Afghanistan people know their land too well for foreign forces to combat them well. I also think that the United States is trying to defeat terrorism. This is a hard fate because Al-Qaeda is located in other countries beside Afghanistan. The Taliban will continue to combat our forces until there is no one left to fight. The Taliban and Al-Qaeda work together and that makes them even stronger. I think that America will be forced to pull out before they can completely defeat the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. There are still attacks from war lords even though Al-Qaeda and the Taliban have retreated to the mountains. The United States can not completely control Afghanistan, only the Afghans can control what happens in their country.

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