Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Common Denominators: Nazi and Palestinian propaganda is very similar. They have the same message: killing the Jews. They are training children to fight and hate Israel. The radical Muslims are teaching their kids to be suicide bombers and kill Jews. The radical Muslim community will have the same relationship with the west as Hitler and Nazi Germany did because they are using the same kind of teachings. They both wanted to defeat the western world and take over. In both cases the western world has claimed ignorance at first before they stepped in to do anything.

Hitler and Mufti are trying to teach the same thing to hate the Jews and exterminate them. They are both using children and similar propaganda. They are brainwashing children and are learning to hate. The western world will have a hard time trying to change the mindsets of people who have been taught this their entire life.

The radical Muslims want to control the entire world under Muslim rule. The western world does not appreciate this because in order for this to happen it will lead to their downfall. The Muslims want to take control using terrorist attacks.

The west has had to help bring down hate groups and leaders. Something has to be done about the radical Muslims before more acts of terrorism are taken against the western world.

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