Friday, April 30, 2010

Palestinian Authority blocks sale or goods made at Isreali settlements

The Palestinian Authority is trying to end what is called the "cancer" of Palestinian economic dependence on Israeli's West Bank settlements. President Mahmoud Abbas signed legislation banning the sale of all products made in Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Violators of this could face fines or even imprisonment. These Israeli settlements are the main cause of the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. The Palestinian police have already started to enforce this confiscating over 5 million dollars in good.

I think that it is good that the Palestinians are trying to become less dependent on the Israeli's because if there is ever a two state solution to the conflict they would need to know how to rely on themselves. I think that they are going about this the wrong way though. They are completely cutting the Israeli's off. I believe that this will just cause more tension and add to the conflict. This is of global importance because the Israeli- Palestinian conflict is not just a regional issue anymore and this new legislature will either ease the conflict or fuel the fire.

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