Friday, April 16, 2010

Ending America's Dependence on Oil

I think that America needs to find other sources of energy. Things can be powered by solar, wind or even thermal energy. We need to end our dependence on foreign oil. I think that hybrids are good ways to use less gas but we need to find a total alternative. I think that we should also try not to anger OPEC because they control the oil prices and before we find an alternative we need to keep oil prices down.

I think that not having enough water is a far bigger issue than oil. Water is needed to sustain life, when oil is just to sustain a lifestyle. Water is also needed to pump oil. You can't have oil without water but you can have water without oil. This is terrible that people do not have water to drink and it is getting much worse. I think that this problem needs to be solved before the oil crisis.

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